The noise may be coming from leaking refrigerant or electrical problems

We are a team of experts specialising in industrial silencer design. Our technicians create a wide array of models for all sorts of circumstances. They do so by using acoustic modelling software to examine your systems and figure out a solution. We can do this to produce a gas vent silencer, an in-line model, or any other style. Continue reading “The noise may be coming from leaking refrigerant or electrical problems”

The trouble with the subconscious glandular response

Noise pollution is a major environmental problem as well as being dangerous to people and wildlife. To fight against it, we provide clients with a wide variety of silencers. The designs we specialise in include the blow down silencer and other models. With our utensils, you will be able to minimise the noise from things like duct work, compressors, pipes, valves, and generators. Continue reading “The trouble with the subconscious glandular response”

Industrialisation and poor urban planning leads to noise pollution

There are various necessary evils out there. One that we fight to keep under control though is noise pollution. When people experience noises that are too loud for too long a time, there can be major consequences. We help by supplying blow off silencer products, as well as various other models. They can help to make industrial operations much quieter. Continue reading “Industrialisation and poor urban planning leads to noise pollution”