Industrial noise pollution can lead to issues such as hearing impairment and other physical symptoms, but it can also have an impact on mental health, with the continuous annoyance increasing stress levels, anxiety and fatigue. To combat this necessary evil, Ventx Industrial Silencers can offset this issue by enabling you to control noise levels from various kinds of machinery, including compressors, generators, duct work and fans.
We make sure to carefully match our Ventx silencers to the specific application by using acoustic modelling software that works by analysing your system, so we can design and manufacture the perfect silencer for you. It is important to get the silencer right in order for them to work effectively without compromising the existing system.
A huge array of industrial silencers
The different types of industrial silencers to choose from include a fan silencer, a generator silencer and an air compressor silencer. These will differ in terms of their design and level of attenuation. For example, fan silencers normally consist of an extended cowl on the exterior of the fan, with a longer cowl offering a greater level of noise reduction.
Ventx industrial exhaust silencers are available from our base in the UK, where we have worked with an extensive range of clients. An industrial vent silencer makes use of an expansion chamber, which reduces the pressure of the gas flow. Its absorptive core further works to reduce the level of sound being produced, resisting the vibration within these systems.
Additionally, in-line silencers decrease noise levels by working with the gas flow whilst it is inside the system. These come custom-made as complete units, or as acoustic cores that can then be installed into your existing pipework. For further details, explore our range of solutions online.
Industrial silencers not only have many benefits to staff and visitors to your site, but they are also needed in order to comply with UK environmental standards. Whether you have an existing site that requires our bespoke solutions, or you have a plant that is at the design stage, simply get in touch through our contact page to find out more or get a quote from us.