Inline silencer – Reducing noise from gas pipes – Ventx

It can get to a point where the noise coming from your premises is too much to bear. At this stage, you should be thinking about acquiring a silencer. However, you must ensure that it is right for your needs. Our team can use advanced acoustic modelling software to provide the right solution. This could be an inline silencer or another model. Continue reading “Inline silencer – Reducing noise from gas pipes – Ventx”

Get yourself a rotary blower discharge silencer

Loud noises affect us in a variety of ways. Sadly, many of them are negative. This is why people operating industrial facilities scramble to find a solution to reduce them. We have several at our disposal, including the discharge silencer. In order to guarantee the best results, the Ventx team ensures that the chosen silencer can match your application. Continue reading “Get yourself a rotary blower discharge silencer”