How close are workers and homes?

High levels of industrial noise can cause a lot of problems for workers on a site and people who live nearby. With this in mind it is important to choose the right silencing solutions. These can help reduce sounds sufficiently to ensure operations don’t harm people. At Ventx we have a lot of experience in this area. As a result we can supply a diffuser silencer or any other model to suit a variety of requirements. This includes vents, fans, and loud machines. Continue reading “How close are workers and homes?”

Acoustics means more than you think

Many of us have had to endure the pollution that industrial noise brings. Fortunately, businesses can do a lot more to reduce the sounds and disruption. Thanks to our silencer designs, we have solutions for each situation. This includes the in-line silencer. We are able to create all of these effective tools using our acoustic software. As a result they will be more than up to the job. Continue reading “Acoustics means more than you think”

Make sure you’re aware of the effects noise can have

Control of noise pollution is necessary in order to ensure the well-being of everyone around. There are also requirements from authorities including legislation that mean you need to keep internal and external noise levels in check. Therefore, you should invest in a vent silencer. This way you will not have to worry about the impact that noise is having on you, the workers in your facility, anyone near the site, and the environment. Continue reading “Make sure you’re aware of the effects noise can have”