Making the attenuator to suit the setting

One of the best ways to reduce the amount of noise that comes from a HVAC system is to install an attenuator. They are a type of silencer that works by redirecting the noise back towards the source. As a result, they can address issues like noisy fans, turbulent air, and more.

The great thing about attenuators is they can come in various shapes and sizes to suit all kinds of ductwork. They are relatively easy to add to all kinds of air conditioning systems. Plus, they are suitable for large industrial stacks and cooling loops.

However, it is important to consider the environment the products will find themselves in. The last thing you want is to invest in a product only to find that the conditions will cause it to wear quickly or affect the performance. You also want to avoid it becoming potentially hazardous.

Think about corrosive elements

It is especially important to think about corrosion. Often attenuators are made of steel. Sadly, a number of steels will corrode in the right conditions. This includes when moisture and high temperatures are present. If the attenuator is for a setting where there is a chance of it corroding, it is better to use a stainless steel or use galvanisation.

Swimming pools

HVAC systems in the same vicinity as pools have a specific challenge to consider – the impact of chlorine. It is essential to add it to a swimming pool to help keep the water clean and hygienic. However, it can cause damage to various metals, plastics, and other products, especially when there is also a lot of moisture. So, if you need to use a silencer in ductwork in one of these settings, you will need to specify a material that can withstand it. The steel may need an additional protective coating.


Hygiene is absolutely crucial in hospitals. It is important to ensure there are no areas that could harbour dirt, bacteria, viruses, or other things that could make people ill. This even includes the HVAC systems. Once again it means it is vital to ensure that the right materials are used. Smooth hospital grade stainless steel will usually be the best option. Sometimes the metal can also receive a protective film coating.

Speak to us about designing an attenuator

Ventx is one of the leading industrial noise experts in the UK. We understand the issues businesses can face in terms of making facilities safe, looking out for the environment, and meeting the right standards. Our role is to help them do that by providing quality acoustic solutions. These can include the perfect silencers.

So, if you have a noise issue and want us to design an attenuator or other type of silencer for you, please get in touch. We will ensure we get the design right and choose suitable materials to make it. Plus, we can offer installation and lots of advice.