How close are workers and homes?

High levels of industrial noise can cause a lot of problems for workers on a site and people who live nearby. With this in mind it is important to choose the right silencing solutions. These can help reduce sounds sufficiently to ensure operations don’t harm people. At Ventx we have a lot of experience in this area. As a result we can supply a diffuser silencer or any other model to suit a variety of requirements. This includes vents, fans, and loud machines.

Location has a big impact on silencer design

A number of different things can influence how much you need to reduce the noise in your facility or on a site. Perhaps the most important is how close people are. If you have people working near to a vent you will need to do more to reduce the noise so employees are not regularly exposed to loud noises. The same applies if the vent is close to a boundary and any housing.

In both cases above the only option may be to design a large silencer. As a result you can make sure it has the capacity to absorb or diffuse a lot of the noise. You need to plan for this size to ensure you will be able to fit the silencer into the system.

There will be many other cases where your vents are in out of the way locations. If there is nobody working close by and no homes in the vicinity, you may not need to reduce the noise as much. Here a smaller silencer could be all you need. However, you must think about how far the sound can travel and the possible environmental impact.

Diffuser silencer specifications

At Ventx we can design silencers to cater for almost any kind of specifications. For example we can offer large high performance models for vents close to working platforms and busy parts of sites. We use cutting edge software to design these products. This gives us a better idea of how they will fit systems and what kind of performance they can offer.

If you have a good idea of what type of diffuser silencer you need or want info about the various models you can choose, we can help. Just get in touch and tell us about your needs. We can then offer advice and begin designing for you.