Industrial noise is an issue that persists to this day. It can cause major problems for those working in factories and similar noisy environments. In many cases, said issues are permanent. The solution isn’t what you’d call an everyday item, but it is an essential one. With the right silencers, you can minimise the amount of sound your machinery produces. As specialists in industrial silencer design, we can provide everyone with ideal solutions. Continue reading “Workplace noise is expensive, distracting, and dangerous”
Noise pollution sources in ocean environments
Industrial noise reduction is an area we work in because we’re aware of the damage it can cause. It is not only people that are at risk here; environments and the animals that live there are also affected. As such, we design and supply silencers capable of lowering the noise levels of industrial machinery. Continue reading “Noise pollution sources in ocean environments”
How do atmospheric vent silencers work?
We’re an establishment that understands the kind of harm industrial noise can cause. The damage it causes can be permanent if you are not careful. This includes harm to people and the environment. What you need in these situations is the right equipment, particularly silencers. You attach them to your machinery to reduce the amount of noise. Ventx can provide various designs here, such as steam vent silencer solutions and many others. Continue reading “How do atmospheric vent silencers work?”
Workplace design is crucial for noise control
There are various hazards in different workplaces. Businesses need to consider all of them to ensure staff and visitors won’t be in harm’s way. One of the most important to look at is the sound level. When it is too noisy it can cause all kinds of issues. It can harm employees, have an impact on performance, and hurt the reputation of the business. As a result, it is a good idea to consider noise control and workplace design as early as possible. Continue reading “Workplace design is crucial for noise control”
Silencers used for ventilation system noise control
Industrial noise can cause problems for workers and the surrounding environment. Ours is a business dedicated to supplying specialist equipment that can help. We are referring to the silencers our team designs and supplies. They exist in a multitude of forms to meet differing needs. You can find everything from diffuser silencer models to vent designs here, so we can cater for most needs. Continue reading “Silencers used for ventilation system noise control”