The use of steam boilers in cement production

We have spent a long time providing clients with the finest quality silencers in the UK. With these tools at your disposal, you have what you need to address the damage that noise pollution can cause. There is no universal solution though. Instead, we use acoustic modelling software to design items that will work with your systems. We can offer a steam boiler silencer, models for generators, vent silencers, and much more. Continue reading “The use of steam boilers in cement production”

The design of industrial silencers is heavily varied

We fight against the hazard that is noise pollution by providing the best industrial silencer design services. Ventx is able to succeed thanks to our use of special acoustic modelling software. With it, we create silencers that fit into various systems and noisy pieces of equipment. As a result, they will do their job effectively and won’t compromise anything. In fact, they could even boost performance. Continue reading “The design of industrial silencers is heavily varied”

The four main forms of industrial hearing loss

We are very aware of the problems that noise in industrial settings can cause. It can be harmful to people on the site, locals, and the environment. In addition, it can affect performance and even damage sensitive equipment. That is why we supply bespoke silencers. These are the ultimate tools to use for industrial noise reduction. They can lower the noises coming from fans, ductwork, generators, safety valves, and more. Continue reading “The four main forms of industrial hearing loss”

Noise control in chemical plants

Of all the dangerous industrial facilities, chemical plants are one of the most hazardous. There are lots of risks to be aware of here. Most notable is the harmful substances on the sites. This can include acids, gases, and more. They can be stored or utilised at very high pressures and temperatures. However, noisy work environments can also be a major hazard. That is why operators need to think about noise control. Continue reading “Noise control in chemical plants”