The biggest noise at work mistake you can make

Health and safety managers the world over know that managing noise isn’t the simplest task. If you avoid it, your company runs the risk of fines and legal trouble. To help you avoid these complications, we’re going to discuss the biggest noise at work mistakes. We’ll also go into detail on arguably the most important mistake of the bunch. Then, if you want solutions like discharge vent silencers, you can rely on us.

Generally, there are five big mistakes companies make when it comes to noise. Firstly is measuring incorrectly. Next is doing nothing at all about noise risks. Third is failing to calibrate your sound level meter regularly. Not trying to control noise risks before supplying hearing protection is another issue. Finally, is the mistake of not taking noise seriously. Each of these errors can do significant damage, but are generally easy to rectify.

Don’t make the biggest mistake

As for the biggest problem, it’s actually not keeping a record of your noise data. Without it, you’re not going to have historical records of the noise levels in your properties.

Failing to keep records can cause issues if you do have legal problems. Employees may claim they suffered from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) because of excessive sound exposure. From there, they can demand compensation. However, you won’t be able to prove that noise levels weren’t excessive at the time if you don’t have the data. It makes it harder to fight your case.

Additionally, if you don’t keep records of noise, you can’t accurately say what improvements you’ve made over time. Ideally, you want to be able to look at past noise levels, install new equipment like discharge vent silencers, then test again to see the difference. You can’t do that without the data.

Lastly, you could be losing valuable time in having to regularly repeat noise measurements. With the right equipment, it is relatively quick and easy to take a reading in different parts of a property. If you have to do it frequently though, the time can quickly accumulate. Ensuring you record the data means you don’t need to test as often.

An easy solution

There is a simple fix thankfully; always keep records. Download your noise measurement data to create and save reports. After exporting your reports, maintain a simple filing system where you can store and refer to records whenever you need to.

By keeping noise data on file, you’re working to insure against past employees. These are ones returning claiming they suffered NIHL after leaving and seeking compensation. You have to be able to show that noise levels were never dangerously high while they were with you. To do this, you should look at historical data.

You should regularly reassess noise risks and generate new reports. Avoid deleting the old ones though. This will give you peace of mind for the future. You will also be able to pinpoint when noises get louder or when you make improvements.

Do you need discharge vent silencers or other models?

At Ventx, we design, manufacture, install and maintain industrial silencers. Our goal is to ensure we reduce noise to make facilities safer. This protects inhabitants like workers and visitors, neighbours, and the environment.

So, if you need discharge vent silencers or different models, please let us know. We’ll design the perfect equipment for every application, ensuring it is bespoke to get the best results.