Compression and pipeline layouts create lots of noise

As much as many of us would like to change it, most of the world is still reliant on fossil fuels for energy. This includes oil, natural gas, and coal. Of the three, gas tends to be most popular because it can travel long distances in pipelines for a low cost. There are a number of issues to consider here though, particularly noise. We want to look at it, then if you want a discharge silencer or other noise control solutions, you can rely on us. Continue reading “Compression and pipeline layouts create lots of noise”

All you need to know about the blowdown separator

If you work in an industrial setting, you will be familiar with the noise the operations produce. Some facilities can be dangerously loud on a daily basis. Therefore, to avoid the problems the noise brings, it is a good idea to use silencers. These installations attach to your machines and systems, minimising the sounds they produce. We are a business excelling in providing numerous designs. This includes the blowdown silencer as well as many others. Continue reading “All you need to know about the blowdown separator”

Know your propane noises

Industrial silencers aren’t your standard installations. If you have a manufacturing facility or similar property with noisy machines though, you will want to use them. When someone stays in a loud environment for too long, their health can be at risk. The effects can be permanent, such as hearing damage or deafness. To ensure safety, you will want to use the likes of our natural gas silencers and other designs. We can provide them. Continue reading “Know your propane noises”